Our approach to coaching is to engage with clients as a partnership of equals in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires each client to maximize their personal and professional potential. This approach fully respects the client as the expert in his/her life and work. It is our belief that every client is creative, resourceful and engages in all aspects of their life as the same unique individual.

Based on this foundation, we work with each individual client facilitating the following activities:

  • Discover, clarify, and align with what they truly want to achieve
  • Encourage self-discovery
  • Take a “whole person” view, recognizing the influences of their core values and key relationships in all aspects of their life.
  • Inventory strengths that will help the client achieve their goals, while identifying and moving past obstacles that might get in the way.
  • Elicit client-generated strategies and solutions while strengthening accountability for action
  • Help unlock potential and dramatically improve outlook on work and life

Coaching is about making a desired change, and melding our intellectual capacity with our feelings about our situation. An effective coach has been there, and brings that experience to the coaching relationship.  Leading Essentially believes in on-going coach development and mentoring.  Your experience will be supported by a coach who:

  • Is certified by the Hudson Institute of Coaching and the International Coach Federation
  • Follows a proven coaching methodology, supplemented by key tools and models that bring light to individual situations.
  • Has a commitment to ongoing professional development including certifications and learning conferences.
  • Maintains membership in professional bodies dedicated to the profession of coaching
  • Practices “self-as-coach” disciplines so as to know their own experiences clearly so they may be used to the benefit of the client
  • Utilizes a combination of mentor coaching and coaching supervision to continually hone coaching knowledge.